The Wizard Test Maker
Whats New in 5.0
5.0 will be released shortly. It will fix many bugs as well as be more user friendly.
Box feature allows you to put a box around part of or all of your question.
Remove hard returns from questions that are pasted in.
Fraction maker allows you to insert fractions to your questions.
Line numbering allows you to number the lines of a reading passage.
Edit Undo
Your entire database is now easily accessible from the right pane of the screen.
Easier to use new interface.
You can now type in the number of random questions to add to your test.
Easier to use new interface.
Improved randomizing test features.
Save “schemes” that keep track of printing options and customizations.
You can now cancel all print jobs.
Darker dividing lines.
Auto login feature that allows you to start the Wizard Test Maker without a user name and password.
The Wizard Test Makers performance has been increased.
Subject databases now remain in demo mode even after activating purchased subject databases.
You can now activate your Wizard Test Maker from any screen.
Many of the bugs associated with printing have been fixed.
Clicking on an invalid database no longer blocks you from going into your installed database.