What's New with Version 4.8
Download version 4.8 here (3/20/02) 1) Font Mapper is now available in all editions of the Wizard.
2) General enhancements to the performance of the program.
What's New with Version 4.7
1) Added LIVE chat feature in help file. 2) General enhancements to the performance of the program. What's New with Version 4.6
1) Now supports Windows XP. 2) General enhancements to the performance of the program. What's New with Version 4.5
PRINTING SUITE: 1) Our "Best Fit" printing option works better. It will preserve the original order of selected questions much better. SELECT QUESTIONS SUITE 1) When selecting questions Randomly we have a new
feature to select by difficulty (skill) levels. Difficulty levels have only been assigned to Math A, Math 8, AP Chemistry, Regents Chemistry and Regents Physics. Eduware is attempting to have all subjects skilled-leveled by
September 2002. 2) Fixed some bugs like formatting the teacher answer key, printing catalogues, and picture size adjustments when viewing one-at-a-time in Select Question Suite. 4) In the select questions suite the newest
questions in our database will be the first to preview. What's New with Version 4.2a REORDER / INSERT INSTRUCTIONS SUITE: 1) Navigate from the Select Questions Suite to the Reorder Suite and back. 2) Save exams previously stored in The Vault to disk.
PRINTING SUITE: 1) Set space in student answer sheet and/or test itself for essay answers. 2) Student answer sheet can be printed in one or two column page layout. 3) You can now add a manual page break to your exam.
EDITING SUITE: 1) Added the ability to expand the description field and the question field.
NEW FEATURES: 1) Added Easy Access in the Wizard to our Website. 2) Restore your last saved test from the vault.
Access this feature from the file menu.
BUG FIXES: Resolved the memory issue of questions not appearing in the Select Questions Suite and the
Print Preview Screen. What's New with Version 4.0
REORDER / INSERT INSTRUCTIONS SUITE: 1) Drag and Drop - manipulate the order of your test questions by simply dragging and dropping each question.
2) Added PUT MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS FIRST feature. 3) Add Instructions - write directions/instructions on your test and save the most commonly used ones as templates for future use.
SELECT QUESTIONS SUITE: 1) Select All Questions in Group - selects all questions within a group question. 2) Select Questions By Level - Math 8 and Math A tests can now be created by level order.
PROGRAM FEATURES/NEW ADDITIONS: 1) Automatic Backup - an automatic backup is created each time you exit the program to prevent any loss of data. 2) WIZSHARE
- a seperate program that will import/export questions from one Wizard Test Maker to another. 3) General enhancements to the overall performance of the program.
What's New with Version 3.5
* Fixed Bug: When making a test using the catalogue, the header information did not print.
PRINTING SUITE: 1) Save Printing Options - save your header, footer and most
printing options with a user name. 2) Leave Room For Work - option to leave right column blank for workspace. 3) Print Science Reference Tables - Option to print reference tables. (need to have updated database being released
in the fall of 2000.) 4) Answer Shuffle - Users may choose between three answer shuffling options: Allow Shuffling, Prompt Before Shuffling, Never Shuffle.
SELECT QUESTIONS SUITE: 1) Right Mouse Click Options
replaced some buttons - includes altering questions to short answer format, viewing questions on a grid, and other options. 2) A "Next Subtopic" Button - advances previewing questions to the next subtopic. 3) New
Sorting Options (top menu) - teacher can sort questions for previewing by skill level or reverse the question order (need to have updated database being released in the fall of 2000.) 4) New Catalogue Printing Options - More
specific catalogue printing options have been added.
GENERAL: 1) Made Registration Screen easier to find. 2) Added Helpful Hints - turn this feature on or off in the help menu. 3) Indent/Offset Paragraphs -
Indents any text passage by right clicking in the Editing Suite. What's New with Version 3.03 * Fixed bug in 3.02 which only printed header information on
first page using the Multiple Version option.
1) New to Print Preview: Users can now print any individual page of their test more easily.
2) New to the Printing Suite: Multiple Choice Answers can now be made to
alternate with each question between ABCD and E (if necessary) and FGHI and J(if necessary) What's New with Version 3.0-3.02
(release date 10/31/99)
Thanks! Because of all your suggestions, we have been able to implement the following new features:
1) You can now print in 1-column (print across the width of the test page). This enables you to use questions with large pictures or very long text passages. The program knows to print them in 1 column format.
These questions have been included in our new databases. 2) You can change any question from 2-column to 1-column in the Select Question Suite. 3) In Print Options we have added:
a) the ability to print all questions in 1-column format. b) always print answers vertically rather than side by side as it may do with short answers. This will help the reading challenged student. 4) We've added greater functionality and formatting for printing the Question Catalogue (if users do not wish to purchase one).
5) We have added the ability to print out multiple copies of a single test. 6) Saving exams now recalls short answer questions you made. 7) Made program Y2K compliant. Older
versions will work but dates on tests users save after 2000 will be 1900. 8) Added an automatic backup of your database. 9) Implemented header and footer adjustments for customization of
printer options. 10) Enlarged the viewing area for previewing questions in the Select Question Suite. This will automatically enlarge with large picture questions but can be manually enlarged by clicking on
"Max" button. 11) Added feature to view questions in the Select Question Suite in reverse order and thereby view from oldest to most recent or vice versa.
12) Users can now print directly from the Build Test by Using Catalogue screen. 13) Users can now print directly from where they input Question ID's.
What's New with Version 2.05 (released 6/11/99) We are proud to present to you the newest features of the Version 2.05. * Backup Program runs to backup your database every time you close down.
* Exile questions from any exams so that they won't be selected on the one you are creating. * Plus all the features listed in 2.04 below! What's New with Version 2.04 (released 5/21/99)
We are excited to relate to you the newest features of the Version 2.04. *
Larger preview screen for viewing questions.
Best Fit option - organizes questions to print on the fewest number of pages possible.
You can print out your own Classified Question Catalogue with pre-formatted page headers and footers showing the Unit, Chapter, Topic and Subtopic and ID numbers of your questions.
Two-line First Page Headers and Footers, adjustable by user to raise or lower them exactly where you want them to appear on the test.
What's New with Versions 2.02 and 2.03 (released 1/31/99) Thanks to all of your suggestions we have added the following new features to Version 2.02.
and 2.03. Keep those suggestions flowing! General: * The Wizard can now run over a Network.
* You can display program in graphical or non-graphical mode (Non-graphical mode will make the program run a little faster but screens will not have all of our screen pictures). To access this feature go to top menu bar under
File/Features/graphic or non-graphic. The display will change on all subsequent screens and keep this setting until changed.
Printing: * You can now access the Printing Suite and Preview from the Vault and the Question Reorder Screens. * Created ability to print a two line first page header. Note: Only top middle
header will print on succeeding pages. * Option for Teacher to put a small underline in front of a question number for student to provide answer i.e. ____ 23. * Teacher can now start questions in a test from any number. *
Added feature called "Teacher Copy" which will print a replica of the student test immediately following the printing of the student test. Teacher Copy has bold correct answers. * Test can print on legal size paper
(must change your printer settings in control panel) * Teachers can now print as many different copies as you want from our printing suite. Simply click on "Multiple Copies" after selecting your other printing options
in the printing suite. A multiple version box will come up. The Randomization of questions and answers for the first test is selected in the Editing Suite but all additional tests are done by your selection in this box. All options
besides "Teacher Copy" selected in the printing suite or print options will apply to all tests. If in the Multiple Version box "Print Version A, B, .." is selected then the left hand footer will be replaced by
"Version _".
* Added a question counter to the Make Test by Using Catalogue Screen. * Also on the above form you can now preview one-at-a-time all the questions on the list. Just click Preview than click Next to go onto the next question.
This will display without bold answers and could be used with classroom monitor for going over your test or reviewing purposes. * Now you can also retrieve an Exam Saved to Disk/Drive from The Vault screen. * Added ability
to save any test's question and answer order. Whenever you save an exam it saves in the order it was last printed. You can save multiple versions by naming differently. i.e. Test 1a, Test1b ..
* Now you can add pictures by their ID number in Picture Edit. * Now import pictures having the following extensions:.bmp, .gif, .pcx and some .jpg * You can export a picture directly into any Graphics program for editing.
*Manually Reordering Test questions (from middle window in Summary Wall) has improved: There are now three ways to reorder 1) Drag and Drop your question to where you want it (it will place question above the question you
drag it over). 2) Click on question then click lower buttons. 3) Double click on a question and type number you would like it to precede. * You can access Preview and Print options from this screen as well. * Also after
reordering any one Group Question others of that group can be placed together by clicking the button <Group Question>.
* The program now automatically backs up the question numbers you selected every 4 minutes. So were
the program to crash, when you reenter the program it will ask you upon entering the subject you were working in if you would like to restore the old questions. If this does not happen, you can get to the backup when you are in the
study by pulling down the "File" Menu and selecting "Restore Last Test". Bug Fixes: 1) All users should now be able to enter the Editing Suite 2) Program should not close down after printing a test. |